Why We Vaccinate

Protecting our pets from serious or even deadly diseases is much easier today due to the high-quality vaccines available to veterinarians. A vaccine is designed to trigger an immune response in your pet to more effectively fight infections and, in some cases, completely prevent a disease. Certain vaccines, such as rabies, are required by law in many places. This is because rabies is a potentially fatal, zoonotic disease, meaning it can be spread from animals to people.

Vaccination Timeline

Young pets and previously unvaccinated animals will need a series of vaccinations to establish full immunity from diseases. Each animal is different and the vaccination schedule may vary depending upon age, size, exposure to risk, and general health. The professionals at Morton Small Animal Clinic will assess your pet’s needs carefully and together we will develop the correct vaccination schedule for your needs and lifestyle. Protect your pet–and your family–from unnecessary illness and infection through the simple process of vaccination. It is much more effective and less traumatic than treating serious diseases, and it is inexpensive by comparison. Keeping your pet healthy contributes to a longer life and happier animal companion. 

Vaccine Protocols

While typical vaccines for dogs and cats are listed below, other small animal pets require vaccines as well. Bring your pet in for a wellness visit and we will outline specific protocols for the type of animal in your care. Every pet deserves protection!

Dog Vaccines

Types of canine vaccines that may be recommended are:

  • Distemper/Hepatitis/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus (DHPP)–Annual vaccine
  • Rabies–Annual vaccine
  • Leptospirosis–Every 6 months, as needed based on exposure to livestock or wildlife
  • Bordetella (kennel cough)–Every 6 months, as needed based on requirements of kennel or other high-exposure environments
    Read this article for answers to frequently asked questions about vaccinating your dog.

Cat Vaccines

Types of feline vaccines that may be recommended are:

  • Feline distemper/upper respiratory (FVRCP)–Annual vaccine
  • Rabies–Annual vaccine
  • Feline leukemia (FeLv)–Annually, as needed if your cat goes outdoor
    Read this article for answers to frequently asked questions about vaccinating your cat.

In addition, we screen for the effects of aging in areas such as sensory changes, physical impediments, vision and hearing, nutritional changes, and physical ability. And if your old friend requires surgery, we have an extensive support plan that maximizes tolerance to anesthesia, reduces risk, and enhances recovery. As with any surgical procedure, pain management is every pet’s right, and whether it is for critical care or long-term maintenance, we keep your companion comfortable and enjoying life as fully as possible for as long as possible.

Morton Small Animal Clinic offers a senior pet wellness program that includes bi-annual physical examinations, preventive vaccines, parasite control for the following, heartworms /fleas /ticks /intestinal parasites, and diet and nutrition planning. The early detection and treatment of medical concerns allow your companion animal to experience the least invasive procedures and optimum level of care, leading to added years of health and vigor.